Tag Archives: russell brand youtube channel

Russell Brand: The Trews

russell brand the trews

I stopped watching the news years ago. I began avoiding it in the late 90s, and then more stringently (including magazines, newspapers, etc.) when I started to live a more bubble-like existence starting in 2002. So at this point, it’s probably been almost 25 years since I’ve followed the news. But recently, that has changed. About 5 months ago I stumbled across Russell Brand‘s, The Trews. It’s his take on the current news. After all these years, I finally found a news outlet that resonates with me. An outlet that isn’t puppet-like, manipulative, fear mongering or ruthlessly depressing. But one with a blunt sense of humor, that takes a closer look at what is happening in the world. I’ve been a subscriber to Russell Brand’s Youtube channel, and have enjoyed many of the episodes of The Trews.

The Trews Introduction:

Obama’s Bombs:

End The Monarchy:

Naked Celebrity Photo Leak:

The Apple Watch:

Robin Williams Suicide:

David Cameron & ISIS:

Link to subscribe to Russell Brand’s The Trews: http://tinyurl.com/opragcg

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Filed under awareness, media, news, russell brand, videos